Adventure in the Andes: The Inca Trail 2026 – Heart of Travel

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Are you ready to embark on a journey of a lifetime?

Sneak Peek Trip Details

Day 1

Day 1

Upon your arrival at the airport, be greeted by one of our dedicated Heart of Travel tour leaders, ready to accompany you to your accommodations. After settling in and taking some time to relax, join us for a warm and flavorful welcome dinner at a charming local restaurant, where you'll have the opportunity to connect with fellow group members and tour leaders while indulging in mouthwatering local cuisine that highlights Peru's rich culinary heritage. This delightful evening sets the stage for an exciting journey ahead, filled with small business development, cultural exchange, and unforgettable experiences that will create lasting memories of Peruvian hospitality and the vibrant tapestry of traditions and landscapes that make this country so captivating.

Day 2

Day 2

We will head to Pisac, where the wonders of the Andean highlands await. Arriving at the Amaru Community, you're greeted with warmth and hospitality, stepping into a world where ancient traditions come to life. Explore the Parque de la Papa alongside knowledgeable guides, delving into the rich biodiversity of native Andean crops and the cultural significance they hold for local communities. Continue your adventure with a scenic drive to the Paru Paru Community, where the heartwarming tradition of Pachamanca awaits.Participate in a hands-on Pachamanca cooking experience, where meats, potatoes, and vegetables are cooked slowly underground, infusing the food with smoky flavors. Following a short trek to the serene Kinsaqocha Lagoon, indulge in a delectable lunch prepared with locally sourced ingredients in the picturesque setting of Paru Paru Community.

Day 3

Day 3

Begin our day with a visit to the charming Chincheros Community, where ancient traditions still thrive amidst the stunning backdrop of the Andes. Explore vibrant markets brimming with handmade textiles and intricate crafts before indulging in a sumptuous lunch featuring traditional Andean flavors. Continue your adventure with a visit to the awe-inspiring Ollantaytambo Archaeological Site, where imposing terraces and ancient ruins whisper tales of a that era. As the day draws to a close, check into your hotel, where comfort and peace await. For those seeking a deeper connection to the spiritual essence of the Andes, an optional Despacho Ceremony offers a profound opportunity to honor Pachamama, the revered Mother Earth.Conclude your day with a family-style dinner, where the flavors of Peru come alive in a feast of culinary delights, offering a fitting end to a day filled with exploration and discovery in the heart of the Sacred Valley.

Day 4

Day 4

Embark on a remarkable journey to the starting point of the legendary Incan Trail, where an epic 4-day trek through the Andean mountains to the majestic Machu Picchu awaits, immersing you in the breathtaking beauty of the Sacred Valley and the ancient ruins that dot its landscape. As you hike along ancient pathways, you'll not only witness awe-inspiring natural landscapes but also delve into the rich history and cultural significance of the Inca civilization. Embrace the spirit of exploration as you challenge yourself both mentally and physically, pushing your limits and discovering the depths of your own resilience. Experience the profound impact of nature's wonders, the transformative power of cultural exchange with local communities along the trail, and the exhilaration of personal achievement as you reach the sacred citadel of Machu Picchu.
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12 spots left!

$4,195 USD

Deposit: $1,250

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What's Included Image

What's Included

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  • 6 nights of accommodation at 3 and 4-star hotels and 3 nights in extra comfort campsites.
  • 23 Meals: 9 breakfast, 8 lunches, 6 dinners, including tip, water, and 1 alcoholic or premium non-alcoholic beverage (it doesn’t apply in campsite).
  • Bilingual Heart of Travel Tour Leader & Tour Guide.
  • In-country transport: Ground, air, and water as indicated on the itinerary.
  • Tickets, workshop, and entrance fees.
  • Dignified compensation to drivers, guides, artists, artisans, and all local hosts.
  • Pre-trip communication and resources for clients.
  • Whatsapp Group Chat.

Frequently Asked Questions

& our Heart-felt Answers

  • What documents do I need for The Inca Trail checkpoint?

    Original passport, a copy will not be accepted, your passport must be valid for at least 6 months to enter and exit Peru.

  • What type of shoes should I bring?

    Light and comfortable hiking boots or shoes. Make sure they fit not too tight or loose. They should provide enough room for your toes. For the campsite we suggest bringing resting shoes or sandals.

  • What should I bring in my daypack?

    You'll be carrying a small daypack with the personal items you will need during each day (due to local regulations, this backpack should not exceed 25 liters) and you should bring:

    - Hat and sunglassessunglases; at high elevation the sun can be rather intense and you'll need to shield your eyes and face from UV rays.

    - Rain gear; although we will be visiting during the dry season it is always better to be ready in case it rains. Look for gear that keeps you dry while allowing your skin to breathe such as Gore-Tex or eVent waterproof technology. 

    - Warm layers; Fleece or long-sleeved tops, layering system, consisting of a base-layer, mid-layer and waterproof layer.

    - Sunscreen; a high factor sunscreen and generously apply it before heading out on the trail. Additionally, protect your lips using lip balm with SPF protection.

    - Bug spray; when selecting your bug spray, choose one containing DEET or picaridin to keep bugs at bay and allow you to enjoy your hike without being bitten by insects. 

    - Quick-dry towel or small towel; it's a must-have for anyone hiking the Inca Trail. It will help you stay dry and comfortable during your hike and speed up your drying time when sweating it out on the trail.

    - Hand sanitizer; carrying a small bottle with you throughout the day would be ideal.

    - Toilet paper and wet wipes; there are plenty of restrooms along the Inca Trail, take toilet paper inside a plastic bag.

    - Personal medication; although we will bring a first-aid kit for the group, please bring personal medicine that works for you; prescription and over-the-counter medicines for common issues such as headaches, stomachaches, allergies or others you may need. 

    - Camera, extra batteries/powerbank; Pack a pair of spare batteries for your camera, phone and other devices you may carry since battery life of electronic devices will be used faster at high altitude. Also, pack a power bank to keep your devices powered up along the way.

    - Toothbrush and paste; make sure the brush and paste are small , compact and suitable for camping.

    - Headlamp; it is vital for anyone embarking the Inca Trail. Not only will light the way in the dark but it will allow you to keep you hands free. 

    - Snacks; energy-packed granola bars, chocolates or nuts mix that provide you of fuel without making you sluggish during the hike.

    - Extra cash for souvenirs, drinks and tips. Small change helps pay for using toilets on the first day).

    - You will already be able to rent walking sticks for the duration of the trek for $16 USD

  • What should I put in the Duffle Bag?

    We will provide you with a duffle bag to pack items you don't need to carry during the day. Our porters on the Inca Trail will carry this bag for you throughout the trek. Please note that this bag should weigh a maximum of 7 kg including the sleeping bag and mat or air mattress. These 2 items weigh about 3 kg. During the trail, you will pass on zones of different temperatures as you climb and descend.

    - Sleeping bag; it can be rented for $20 USD for the entire trek (let us know if you need one in advance) or you can bring your own, it should be a sleeping bag that fits your height and size and remember to pack it in a waterproof bag. We suggest sleeping bags suitable at -10°C.

    - Air mattress; we will provide you an air matress, having an extra layer to sleep will make your hike more comfy and enjoyable. 

    - Shoes for campsite; after a long day walking with your hiking boots or shoes you may want to have something lighter to wear at the campsite.

    - Warm jacket; temperatures can drop sharply at night so it is ideal to have a few warm layers you can wear on during the nights. A good base layer will help to regulate your body temperature, while an insulating layer will keep your warm even when gets cold. And do not forget to pack a hat and gloves.

    - 4 to 5 t-shirts; A synthetic fabric like polyester or nylon is a good option, as it will wick away sweat and dry quickly. Avoid cotton shirts, as they will hold onto moisture and can cause chafing.

    - 2-3 hiking pants/trousers; there are two main types of hiking pants, cargo and convertible pants. Leggings work as well!

    - 4 sets of undergarments; wearing sport bra and compression shorts will help keep you comfortable and prevent chafing. Also, pack enough pair of socks.

    - Extra batteries or powerbanks; essential to charge your devices at night.

    - Plastic bags; to keep wet or muddy clothers separate. 

    - Any other personal items you won't need during the day.