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TOP 5 Reasons Why You Should Visit Oaxaca, Mexico

Hola queridxs, We hope this blog posts finds you happy and healthy, wherever you may be. As January comes to a close, we want to say thank you for helping us kick off 2023 with a bang. Between seeing familiar faces and meeting new ones, it’s been wonderful to ring in a new year excited about all the adventures that are to come. Today, we wanted to chat about one of our most special tours that takes place every October/November… Día de Muertos in Oaxaca.  Here are five reasons why we love this part of Mexico and why this holiday is so special.   The Celebrations Día de Muertos is a cele...

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TOP 5 Reasons Why You Should Visit Oaxaca, Mexico

Hola queridxs, We hope this blog posts finds you happy and healthy, wherever you may be. As January comes to a close, we want to say thank you for helping us kick off 2023 with a bang. Between seeing familiar faces and meeting new ones, it’s been wonderful to ring...


Immersion is… living. Yes, living. Exploring. Learning. Being. Enjoying.… It’s doing all those things you usually do in your own language; living life as you normally do only through another language, not necessarily in another place though for sure, it’s better to learn a new language while you travel.  Can you...


In our last blog we were talking about Active volcanoes of guatemala, now we'll talk about volcanoes that have a lake on their craters. You can find this is surprising, volcanoes with lakes on top of them, however, this occurs as a result of a past explosion that left a pronounced depression...

Bringing Latin America to You

How to Celebrate Día de Muertos Without Being Offensive   It was probably close to 1:00 o’clock in the morning, though it's hard to say as time tends to be distorted in Oaxaca during Días de Muertos (You will see this holiday written with or without the "los", in Oaxaca it's usually referred to...

Ser & Estar

Most Spanish language learners are introduced to the beast that is “Ser & Estar” early on in their studies. It is perhaps the first big “aha” moment when they realize that, while Spanish is a relatively easy language for native English speakers to learn, they are going to have to...

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